Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hmm, the comment left on the three wise men, brings up an interesting question, that of digital manipulation.

The photo of the birds was "touched" up in the sense that with simple software, one can improve photos. The stock photo must still be good, the composition and the proper settings, but in the case of the colourful birds against a blue sky, a slight adjustment to colour settings brings out the colours even more. They actually look more like what the eye saw.

This is of course, no different from darkroom techniques of the past, whether it was adjustments to film, shooting ISO 200 and overexposing it and then developing it at ISO 100. Or using filters and other tricks. The difference now, is that darkroom techniques are at our fingertips on the computer!

Perhaps my next post will be a shot taken as it was, and then the slightly "adjusted photo" right after it, sort of like my two Florida shots!


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