Sunday, January 21, 2007

While this is not a spectacular shot, it is the ultimate vision of what summer is on thousands of small lakes in this country, every summer.

The plane is a deHavilland Beaver, this one being C-FFHP, registered to Horne Air, which operates off of Second Government lake, just outside of Hornepayne. For information on Horne Air, check out, which is operated by the same people who run Horne Air. You can also check out, for further information on tiny airservices that run these planes.

For detailed information on the beaver itself, check our Neil Aird's well done site, for information on Beavers worldwide, as well as some stunning photography.

There is also, which is similar to, in that it is attempting to track every Otter ever made and provide history on each plane.

Another very interesting site, is, which features thoughts and ideas from a current Otter pilot, flying in Manitoba.

I do have other airplane photos, which I may post in the coming months, as we ready ourselves for the summer season.



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